Thursday, January 15, 2009

Vision House Dedicates Fourth Facility for Homeless Families

Vision House dedicated its fourth home for homeless families today, a gift from the Master Builders Care Foundation and Centex Homes who served as the Builder Captain. The winter cold makes homelessness even more unbearable than it already is. Having a warm, secure place to live is the first step for families trying to turn their lives around.

“It’s vital to provide a place where families can stay as they get back on their feet,” said Tracy Cromwell, Master Builders Care Foundation’s President. “Keeping families intact through difficult times is our primary concern.”

The loss of a job or a succession of expenses (medical bills, foreclosure or divorce) can put a family out on the streets.

“Once basic needs have been addressed, a person can get an education or job training so they can obtain a livable wage job and find a permanent place to live,” said Cromwell.

“We’re incredibly grateful for the support of Master Builders Care Foundation, Centex Homes and the building community,” said Vision House Executive Director, Susan Camerer. “At a time when most would be holding tight to their resources, Centex Homes and the building community have been very generous which allowed us to build at about half the cost. This will help us to direct more dollars to helping homeless families during a time when resources are not meeting the increased need for housing and services."

Centex Homes took the lead on construction management with the support and contributions of their vendor partners. “Centex is proud to give back to the community by providing housing to those in need. The help of our subcontractors has been amazing and we appreciate all that they have contributed to make this building a reality for Vision House.” said Doug Barnes, Division President of Centex Northern Pacific Division.
In addition to the Centex and the homebuilding industry, significant contributors to the project included the Washington Housing Trust Fund.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Warm Bed to Welcome a Tired Child

From a Vision House Volunteer

I thought you'd enjoy seeing some photos of our finished apartment! Thank you all for the incredible work you have done to make this project a reality! The apartment is warm, comfortable, welcoming, fully stocked and I pray it feels like home to the family that moves in. Let's continue to pray for them. I imagine right now they are feeling pretty desperate and hopeless. Little do they know what blessing God has in mind for them! And to think that He let us be a part of His supernatural work. Wow!
It truly is amazing what is possible when we join God in His Project! Each of us has a unique contribution to make.
Thank you for so generously giving of yourselves- your time, energy, talents and resources. It has been a joy to work with you.
I am planning to be at the ribbon cutting ceremony next Thursday, January 15th at 11:30 am.
I would love to have you join me! Let me know if you will be planning to attend and we can arrange carpooling.
Thankful to be a part of God's Projects here on earth!

Lisa, a volunteer from Cedar Park Chuch

Isaiah 58
10 and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.