Wednesday, December 17, 2008

An Encouraging Christmas Story

With all of the discouraging news about our economy, foreclosures and job loss, I want to share a positive story. For the past several years, Vision House has been able to provide a wonderful Christmas party for our kids complete with toys, games, crafts and treats. At the same time we send the moms out for a special holiday dinner. However, like many non-profits this year, there is an increase in the need for services but fewer resources to try to meet those needs. We have had to make some very painful cuts in staffing and to our program. Considering these sacrifices, I began to wonder if the annual Christmas party was justified expense. We don't spend a lot of money on it, but every penny counts this year. But yesterday a local church delivered tons of toys for all of our kids, a local company made a cash contribution and (without being solicited) a local restaurant asked if they could host our moms for dinner! It was such a blessing seeing the kids receive gifts and the joy that they felt after dealing with the stress and trauma of homelessness. I felt encouraged and blessed!! You can check out some pictures of the Christmas party at

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